Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Netball 4 All’s website terms and conditions page. The first half of these terms and conditions apply to memberships, auto-renewal direct-debit, our refund policy, player kit, code of conduct expectations, session cancellation, photos and videos and our complaints procedure. The second half refers to the use of this Website, social media promotions and our data collection policy. Please note by accessing this Website and/or contacting us via email or telephone you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use or access this Website. 

We can be contacted at any time regarding these terms and conditions via email at . To download a copy of these terms and conditions, please click below. 

Download Terms and Conditions PDF


  • Netball4 All Uk Ltd require a monthly subscription sign up for sessions, with payment by monthly Direct Debit. Sessions typically align with local council school term times.
  • By agreeing to the Direct Debit, you are entering into a monthly payment agreement.
  • Should you default on a payment there is a £5.00 administration charge to re-process the Direct Debit.
  • Upon accepting your child’s place within our sessions, you will be required to enrol on the automatic Direct Debit system.
  • Direct debit is the only form of payment accepted.
  • Payments will be taken automatically from members’ nominated bank accounts on or around the 1st of the month.  This payment covers that months sessions.
  • Queries on amounts and subscriptions must also be raised to our accounts team via
  • A partial refund, set at the discretion of the Director of Netball 4 All Uk Ltd, will be offered if a session has been cancelled within 24hrs of the session date when no alternative is offered.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to modify a session due to adverse weather conditions, low attendance or other unforeseen circumstances.

  • If a payment has been taken from your account in error, please let us know by email to with supporting evidence and we will issue a refund subject to funds clearing our account.

  • Important – Terminated memberships do not qualify for a refund for the sessions which have already been attended during the current membership period.
  • Important – If you terminate your membership (withdraw your child from sessions) with Netball 4 All Ltd, we require a minimum of 14 days notice and  you are responsible for canceling your direct debit however payment for that month of cancellation will stand.
  • Important – Should you cancel your direct debit before the 14 days cancellation period, causing your payment to default, there will be a £5 administration cost.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd cannot be held liable for injuries that happen to its players away from netball sessions and are therefore unable to offer refunds or credits for short- or long-term injuries but will review each incident on a case-by-case view.
  • Should your child become absent from sessions due to a medium/long term injury, please contact a member of the admin team by email to discuss via
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to retain membership fees for sessions that you choose not to or are unable to attend.
  • Should Netball 4 All Uk Ltd terminate a parent or player’s membership solely due to a breach of the code of conduct this would subsequently disqualify them from attending future sessions with the Direct Debit cancelled by our admin team and no refunds offered.

Class cancellation and adverse weather policy

  • We are unable to refund customers for their coaching sessions when the outdoor facilities are open and therefore chargeable to Netball 4 All Uk Ltd.
  • Neither refunds nor future credits will be issued should facilities be closed as a result of force major occurrences, including but not limited to, earthquakes, severe flooding, viral/bacterial pandemics, local authority/government closures, war and threats of domestic or international terrorism.
  • Should there be a temporary service interruption resulting in missed sessions, Netball 4 All Uk Ltd may implement one or several business continuity measures. At our discretion, and where possible, we may recover the lost training time through the extension of future sessions, offer virtual and remote learning opportunities via video call or live-stream video. We may also offer an invitation to one-off promotional day subject to the availability.
  • Although we will try our best to provide catch-up sessions to players that have missed session, we will not refund/credit/rollover or deduct sessions fees from the current or future block bookings. Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to cancel or rearrange sessions affected by severe/extreme weather at our discretion.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd will not offer a refund if the participant cannot attend the rearranged session.

Player Clothing & Equipment

  • Players attending Netball 4 All Uk Ltd sessions are required to wear suitable footwear.
  • It is a player’s responsibility to bring sufficient fluids when attending Netball 4 All Uk Ltd sessions.
  • Exclusive Netball 4 All Uk Ltd kit is available to buy, and details will be shared with customers. It is encouraged that players wear our branded kit at our training sessions.
  • Members who allow their children to participate wearing glasses do so at their own risk. Netball 4 All Uk Ltd recommends prescribed sports goggles and can accept no liability for injury or breakage.

Photographs & Video

  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd will periodically have live photoshoots during sessions and may use the images/video recorded for our website and our social media channels which can be found at: Facebook – @netball4alluk Instagram – @netball4alluk and X – @netball4alluk

  • Images posted will adhere to England Netball Safeguarding guidelines and will be anonymised, never identifying children by their first and second name.
  • Please contact us at if you would like to opt-out of the publication of images. Please notify us as quickly as possible, by email, otherwise, it will be deemed that you have granted permission for the images to be used.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd will only accept positive use of its social media pages including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These pages are not to be used for grievances or complaint procedures.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to remove any derogatory comments aimed at Netball 4 All Uk Ltd, its partners, customers or children participating in the programme.
  • Our social media pages are a celebration of netball and the nature of their content must reflect this positive intent. It is acceptable to take videos and footage of your own children whilst training at Netball 4 All Uk Ltd, however, any content that contains other children should not be published in the public domain – including social media platforms.
  • Where parents refuse to remove such content that compromises the privacy of another Netball 4 All Uk Ltd member or child, we reserve the right to report any published content to the social media platform whenever necessary.

    In the event of a breach of these terms’ members may be temporarily or permanently banned from the page until disputes have been resolved.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd may add you to a WhatsApp group for your child’s sessions to communicate key information relating to your child’s training. The WhatsApp platform allows us to see which parents have read messages and therefore guarantee a higher level of service to our members. Parents who do not wish to be included in WhatsApp groups are free to leave the group. You will still receive important updates via email.

Complaints Procedure

  • You can request a copy of our full complaints procedure by emailing
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to discontinue memberships without a notice period where we feel communication from members has been, in our opinion, aggressive, insulting, publicly damaging and/or abusive to the netball school’s coaches, members or partner agencies.
  • Netball 4 All Uk Ltd reserves the right to revoke or discontinue memberships should there be any instances of alcohol or substance misuse.
  • In the event that you have any reason to complain or have any comments, you must immediately inform Netball 4 All Uk Ltd by email. Any verbal notification must be put in writing.
  • If you remain dissatisfied, you must write to Victoria Palmer at giving full details of your complaint: Netball 4 All Uk Ltd, Eskil House, Baldersby, North Yorkshire, YO7 4PE. Upon making a complaint the parent or guardian will be contacted within 72 hours of the complaint being lodged, but the complaints procedure may take up to 2 weeks. A full and detailed copy of our complaint’s procedure is available to parents or guardians on request.

Website terms and conditions of use:

These terms and conditions apply to the use of this Website, social media promotions and our data collection policy. By accessing this Website and/or contacting us via email or telephone you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use or access this Website.


Conditions – means these terms and conditions and the Special Conditions
Product – means our training programmes, camps or clothing items listed and promoted via this website, email, on social media or at netball camps.
Product Description – means that part of the Website where certain terms and conditions in respect of the individual Product are provided
Special Conditions – means the terms and conditions in the Product Description
Users – means the users of the Website collectively
Personal Information – means the details provided by you during booking process
We/us – means Netball 4 All Uk Academy
Website – means the website located at www.netabll4all.com or any subsequent URL which may replace it
Cookies – means small text files which our Website places on your computer’s hard drive to store information about your shopping session and to identify your computer
United Kingdom – means England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands
You – means a user of this Website.

General terms - Intellectual property and right to use.

You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in all material or content supplied as part of the Website shall remain at all times vested in us. You are permitted to use this material only as expressly authorised by us.
You acknowledge and agree that the material and content contained within the Website is made available for your personal non-commercial use only and that you may (if necessary to make a Purchase) download such material and content onto only one computer hard drive for such purpose. Any other use of the material and content of the Website is strictly prohibited. You agree not to (and agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content.

Compliance with laws

The Website may be used only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations regarding the Website and any transactions conducted on or through the Website.

Netball 4 All Uk Ltd adheres to GDPR regulations which came into place on May 25th 2018. We allow our clients to positively opt in to joining our mailing lists and keep a trace of how and when this occurred. If you’d would like to unsubscribe at any time you can by emailing us at: or by clicking the unsubscribe link which appears in the footer of every email communication.

Data retention

We retain your data, in the form of a name, email address, phone number, DOB, medical conditions, and mailing address for the purposes of:
Name – we will ask for your name when you fill in our online enquiry form or when you book a camp with us, we use your name for the purposes of identifying your enquiry/booking.
Email – we will from time to time email you with newsletters, events and promotions run by Netball 4 All Uk Ltd. You will only receive these communications if you opted in to be part of our email mailing list and you can opt out at anytime using a link in the emails.
Phone number – we will ask for your phone number when you fill in our online enquiry form or when you book a camp with us. We do not contact you via SMS with promotions following this. Date of birth – we ask for your DOB to ensure you attend a suitable level of coaching session / camp for your age.
Medical Conditions – it is incredibly important we know about any existing medical conditions and any changes to your health during your time with Netball 4 All Uk Ltd. This can ensure we give you the best care and coaching possible.
Mailing Address – we ask for your address when completing online payment and direct debit transactions.
Payment – all payments are handled through approved third party providers (Paypal for card transactions and GoCardless for Direct Debit transactions.)

It is Netball 4 All Uk’s retention policy to keep customer data for two years. The policy starts from the date of interaction with us. Once the retention date has been reached and if the customer has not interacted with Netball 4 All Uk for the period of two years, we (inclusive of service providers) will endeavour to delete any record of you from our order and email systems. If you opted in to hear from us via email, your email will remain on the database for the purpose of marketing to you. In this instance no activity will be deemed as “no email opens” in the two-year period of you being on our database.
We collect your data through our online enquiry form, camp bookings and through email enquiries we receive from you. You will only be added to our email list when you have positively opted in to hear from us.


During your visit to an Netball 4 All Uk camp, you may be captured on CCTV which is owned by the venues we use, it is our duty to make you aware of this. This serves the purpose of protecting their premises in the event of a break-in or complaint, in most cases, their CCTV runs for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Cameras are often located in the car park, outside venue entrances and inside the venue. Our venues have assured us that footage is only reviewed should an incident occur. In most cases, footage will be erased after 30 days unless the venue is required to keep it by law enforcement officers following an incident. Should you need to request access to CCTV footage or require more information about each venues CCTV recordings, please contact us via email with reasons for your information request. We can be emailed at

Data Protection for children

Netball 4 All Uk Ltd offers netball camps and coaching sessions for children & adults, with this in mind please find our data protection policy for children below, this policy refers to residents of the UK and we cannot be held responsible for internal country law outside of the UK:
We are aware that in the UK only children aged 13 or over can provide their own consent. For children under this age, we will require consent from whoever holds parental responsibility for the child before we can process their data.
This data is protected from the outset thanks to the strict access audit procedures that we have in place on our systems, should you wish to request a data access audit from us please email us with your request.

We are compliant with the data protection principles and the processing of children’s personal data is central to this. We have a lawful basis for processing a child’s personal data due to the nature of our business providing netball training services and where possible we liaise with the parents or guardians of the child as a point of contact.
The personal data belonging to a child will be processed in the greatest confidence and the child has the right to remove their data at any time. They can also request to access their personal data; request rectification; object to processing and have their personal data erased at any time by emailing us at .
As a matter of good practice, we have completed a DPIA to help us assess and mitigate the risks to children and we take children’s views into account when designing our processing. The data we hold is deemed low risk and a DPIA was completed to highlight how seriously we take our responsibilities as a data controller.
Any electronic communications sent to children will comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003. Electronic communications from Netball 4 All Uk will be in the form of email only and where possible are sent to the child’s responsible parent. An individual can unsubscribe from these communications at any time.
We do not share our data with third party organisations and this includes all children’s data.

Limitation of liability

We make no warranty that the Website will meet your requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the Website. We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the Website.
To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, we disclaim any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Products and service offered. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer, nor does it affect your Contract Cancellation Rights. We will not be liable, in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations) or otherwise out of or in connection with the Conditions for:
any economic losses (including without limitation loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings); or
any loss of goodwill or reputation; or
any special or indirect losses
suffered or incurred by that party arising out of or in connection with the provisions of any matter under the Conditions.
Nothing in the Conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or that of our servants, agents or employees.


Each provision of the Conditions shall be construed as separately applying and surviving even if for any reason one or other of those provisions is held to be inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances.

Entire agreement

These Conditions govern our relationship with you. Your Statutory Rights are not affected by these terms and conditions. Nothing in this Clause shall limit or exclude our liability in respect of any fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation whether or not such has become a term of the Conditions. 


The Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.


For any queries regarding our service and these terms, please contact us via email

Our company details are:
Netball 4 All Uk Ltd
Eskil House
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Director: Victoria Palmer
Company No: 13729222


If at any point you are not satisfied with an experience in relation to Netball 4 All Ltd, please contact us to speak to a member of the team. You’ll need to provide us with details of your booking including date and the name on the booking.
We’ll always do our best to make sure that you’re satisfied with the outcome.

Promotions and Offers:

The promoter is:
Netball 4 All Uk Ltd, Eskil House, Balderby , North Yorkshire, YO7 4PE
Company registration number: 13729222
Competitions are open to residents of the United Kingdom and excludes employees of Netball 4 All Uk Ltd and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or judging of the competition.
There is no entry fee to take part in promotions / offers. We reserve the right to change this.
By making use of offers and promotions, the participant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
No responsibility can be accepted for promotions not being received for whatever reason. The rules of the promotion and how to enter will be clear upon announcing the promotion.
The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.
The promoter is not responsible for inaccurate offer details supplied to any entrant by any third party connected with this promotion.
The competition will be made clear upon announcement of the promotion.
In the event of the promotion requiring a winner, the winner(s) will be chosen at random from all entries received.
In the event of there being a winner, the winner will be notified within 28 days of the closing date. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 14 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.
By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
The promotions and these terms and conditions will be governed by English law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.
The winner agrees, upon prior consent to the use of his/her name and image in any publicity material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent.